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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 12/05/2011

Community Preservation Committee
December 5, 2011

Members present:  Frederick Keator (FK), Chair, Dia Trancynger (DT) Catherine May (CM), Joe G. Strauch (JS), Olga Weiss (OW), Kate McNulty Vaughan, (KMV), Eugene Chague (EC), Albert Harper (AH) and Anthony Patella(AP).

Also in attendance: Mary Albertson (MA), Town Planner.   

FK called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.  

There was one correction to the minutes.  DT made a motion to approve the November 14, 2011 minutes. Seconded by KMV and the minutes where unanimously approved.

Greg Federspiel, Town Manager, was present to meet with the committee regarding the budget and current projects.  Mr. Federspiel offered input regarding the library restoration project.  He said the project was behind schedule because of weather delays. Discussion ensued regarding the restoration of the shutters. There will not be enough money to restore the shutters.  DT will talk to the Edward Costa, Lenox School Superintendent, regarding the potential for a student project.  

AH and OW offered information regarding the historic inventory project and the historic street sign projects.  The historic inventory (Form B’s) project is approaching completion and the historic street sign project has commenced.  

Discussion ensued regarding past expenditures.  FK explained that ten percent of CPA revenues must be reserved for each of the following categories:  open space & recreation, historic preservation and affordable housing.  Five percent is set aside for administration.  The remaining revenue is placed in an undesignated fund.  From FY’08 through FY ’12 CPA revenues were $2,091,636.69; therefore, the 10% reserve for each category was $209,163.67.  $54,553.32 was set aside for administration and the remaining $1,359,563.85 was placed in the undesignated fund.   To date, $577,881 has been expended on historic preservation projects, $277,419.78 has been expended or transferred to the Affordable Housing Trust, and $57,410.19 has been expended on Open Space and Recreation projects.   

FK and Mr. Federspiel anticipate that $1,197,533.84 will be available for FY ’13 including $375,000 in assumed revenue from local collections and the state match.  Discussion ensued regarding the fact that money should be reserved for meaningful projects. The committee would like to fund projects that leverage other grants or private donations.

CM said the Housing Authority will apply for additional funds for the Curtis Porch project.  MA said the Planning Board plans to apply for money to prepare an Open Space and Recreation Plan update.  AH and OW said the Historical Commission will apply for funds for the Church on the Hill Cemetery restoration project.  MA has talked to Church on the Hill, The Mount and Ventfort Hall regarding their interest in applying for CPA funds.  The Lenox Land Trust has indicated an interest in applying for funds.  KMV and OW said the Affordable Housing Trust will submit an application.   FK pointed out that to date the Affordable Housing Trust has not expended funds from the FY ’11 or FY ’12 CPC allocation to the Trust and questioned the need for additional funds.  KMV and OW said the Trustees are working diligently to accomplish tangible results.  Discussion ensued regarding the Affordable Housing Trust commitment to creating housing that qualifies for the state subsidized housing inventory.  

Discussion ensued regarding the proposed meeting schedule.   The committee rescheduled the March 5, 2012 meeting to March 12, 2012.  

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.  

Respectfully Submitted
Mary Albertson, Town Planner
Approved:  1/9/2012